About Us
Boats give you freedom
“The value you find at Port Whitby Marine Supplies is more than the vast choice of boating accessories in store. It goes beyond their willingness and ability to seek out the latest and most effective products and their skill at custom swaging and prop repair. It’s even more than the very competitive pricing they offer day in, day out. The real value at Port Whitby Marine Supplies is the knowledge they have. They know how things work; how to make the most effective use of the products they sell; the best way to clean, repair, modify and upgrade those parts of your boat that need it.”
Trust your local Boater
Trust Port Whitby Marine Supplies for all your power and sail boating needs. We supply engine and drive parts, winches, windlasses, furlers, marine plumbing and electrical, varnishes, topside paint and epoxies, anti-fouling – in short anything you need to get and keep your boat running and looking it’s best. We also have a large supply of accessories to make your boating experience safer and more enjoyable.
Our Team
You’ve come to the right place! Boating dedicated support and service team is here for you, from diagnosing boat issues to answering questions about technical specs–and everything in between. Whether you’re still deciding on a boat or have been boating for 2+ years, we’ve got your back. Visit our support page or give us a ring at +1 (905) 668-4077.

Your Local Supply Location
Just around the corner from Port Whitby Marina. You can walk over to get the supplies you require!
Paint Supplies you Need!
Our Paint wall is always full and ready for all your needs, if we don’t have it you bet we will do our best to get your requested product.
Stop in and see what we can help you with!